Today, it is undeniable that technology has become a part of our daily life. Smartphones are widely used to access information by people around the globe. Business sector is then shifting itself in developing and applying technologies into their customer service activities. Chatbot technology was implemented by organizations to provide information to customers and its adoption has been trending in a positive way. However, many questions were raised if chatbot performance could be smart enough.

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Research showed that users are likely to communicate via applications for instances, LINE, Messenger, WeChat or WhatsApp. This has an impact on the reduction of phone calls and face-to-face communication. Additional factor is from the popularity of E-commerce which is fierce and competitive, business sector therefore adapts and improves their communication strategy to offer customers with prompt response to gain competitiveness over competitors.

Chatbot or Chat Robot is a preferred tool for many businesses. It operates by conducting a responsive conversation based on database and keyword detection. Rule-based chatbot was applied to answer information inquiries and requests. However, robotic characters of chatbot still remain for user to notice.

Photo Source: 2018 State of Chatbots Report

In order to enhance natural performance to a chatbot, businesses are required to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) into performance processing. Natural Language Processing (NPL) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technology are ability enhancers for a chatbot to understand human language structure and meaning. Investment of chatbot development can be varied depending on its performance.

Types of chatbot can be differentiated by their interacting function. Voice chatbot is mostly used for call center service while text chatbot responds in a form of text message. Benefit of chatbot is the ability to provide instant 24-hour response to customers which is a challenge of online business these days.

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Pnern Asavavipas, Chief Executive Officer of Onebit Matter Co., Ltd. (OBVOC) disclosed that chatbot was like an entertaining tool but it has adopted to widely serve business inquiry services instead of manpower today. Chatbot is mostly applied in B2C business where its potential could minimize numbers of resource in handling consumers inquiries for 24 hours.

Photo Soource: 2018 State of Chatbots Report

Chatbot performance is developing towards rapidity, but the challenge of its communication is about the lack of friendly expression to impress audiences. However, the advancement of technology is likely to create uncertainty to customer service personnel.

Source: Krungsri Finnovate,